- Date : 17 April, 2020
- Moderator :
Vinati Saraf
Managing Director & CEO, Vinati Organics Pvtd. Ltd. - Key Speakers :
Amit Patni
Director, Campden Family Connect
Sahil Kejriwal
Managing Director, GSE Renewables
Saurabh Dhawan
Director, SSF Plastics
Siddharth Kothari
Chief Investment Strategist, Om Kothari Group
Webinar: Steering through crisis- Business Families & Family Offices in the New World
The families will share their best practises in terms of Financial resilience, opportunities to innovate their current business, market forecast to run the business.
For more details/ registrations, contact: info@campdenfamilyconnect.com
Key Takeaways
- Family businesses will be looking at increasing operating efficiencies, thereby reducing costs
- Future business investments would be going into R&D and technology
- Work from home which was not a norm for many family businesses is now happening. Workforce have been given remote access and laptops to carry out daily functions.
- Online meetings / webinars are the way forward for many family businesses and family offices
- Some family businesses have not cut salaries/wages of employees/workers and see this a morale booster and motivation for employees to stay loyal.
- Cash is king in such times for family businesses
- Family Businesses are eagerly waiting to get back on to the saddle and not looking at any immediate changes in product pricing or re-negotiating trade/business contracts at this point in time.
- Covid -19 is a “ Black Swan” event and with it comes opportunities to innovate & invest
- Family Offices are staying active and looking at US equities as an investment option in such times